Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thunderstylings (June 2009)

A storm the likes of which
has never been seen before
sheets of water so thick
you couldn't cut em with a samurai sword
20 miles per hour in a 55
traffic's stopped on the shoulder hoping to survive
i'm just soaking it in 'cause I might not see this again
while i'm alive

sky fades from ominously black
to illuminated and back
there's nothing like a conjuring of gray
friend's house was struck but he's okay

the clouds are furiously fighting
I wanna know what makes them so mad
they can't argue in writing
so violence is the best form that they had
how do they know who wins?
Will they just have to do it again?
As their war wages on
we'll have one hell of a wet weekend

(the sky offered to cry for me
but it would have been worth nothing
if I didn't stand out in the rain)

I can't seem to disappear

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