Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Knight One (7/9/2010, around 2:30am)

The crazy fucked up awesomeness of the castles of crystal contortions
the tempo and rhythm align in a manner of solar proportions

feet synced like a mechanical marching band
proceeding through previously unexplored land
biped friendly nightways of the sophistimacated fairfax underbelly
off the frame of the geodesic positioning system
the weather sings along in precision harmony

like a downfall to determine the demise of a devastating drought

a pond worth pondering in perennial places of perplexing permutations

a fabulous frenetic flowering of federal fountains

the local heroes of dismemberment lead the charge
emergency's best friend
at large
on the mend

psilodrine synergy
restless serenity
the drugs distill the daily deal

the giganticism of the jungle is tremendously tremulous
but it beats a reasonless retreat to the desert's disparity domain
though thirst remains
the bitter cost of clarity attained

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