Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Backwards transit for sideways people
unseasonally pleasant summer days
crowds melt in the melting pot that is
suburban sprawl dripping from capitol city
consistently improving everywhere but within
the pertinent punch of the populous presides
don't worry about giving me the wrong idea
my head is already full of those
the foot of the colossus stomps with unrivaled fervor
jaded to relaxation the sound deafens
steaming furiousity singes the sides
from the west to the east and back again
the realness alarm needs new batteries
old friends and new foes join forces
to ensure that nothing ever really changes
the fares aren't fair
hiked without care
the hikers do what they do regardless of the air
tomorrow always knows what today has yet to uncover
yesterday's secrets have expired
it sure is foggy at the bottom
just as it's cloudy on top
if there even is a middle, the smoke is too thick to see through
at least the blind can still breathe
“call you tonight, honey, train's leaving,” said the double agent

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