Monday, May 23, 2011

Album complete

I'm sure I've posted some of this before, but here is my first album in it's entirety (as of now...subject to slight variations)(also I'll probably give it a different name):

33 Hours From Sunrise

1.Morning Light
2.April Fools Day
3.Sanibel Friend
4.The Great Big Stomp
7.Last Ditch Efforts of the Cerebellum
8.4-20-20 Hindsight
9.The Return of Pericles
10.Fare Thee Well

Morning Light

Tomorrow traveled back in time
what's mine is yours and yours is mine
reflected pictures pointing toward
a better life we can't afford
to let go of these silly things
that hold us here and clip our wings
when common sense is no defense
for disembiggened governments

for it is now
we shine
look into my eyes

finally untied the loop
so spiral up now here's the scoop
we've wished and waited far too long
it's celebrated in the song
of birds and beings far away
with epic feelings unlike Greys
soon we'll know just what they say
one day, today, 3D for days

just keep smiling

April Fools Day

Lazily dressed to address the day
it's overcast, there's nothing but gray skies
April fools, we wait for May, time flies

driving fast to escape the rain
educate, make your brain shine
clear the smoke, sing the refrain in your mind

I slipped again
trekking through the snow just one more time
so I pretend
winter never returns and I am fine

still stressed like the ocean's blue
set the standard for spring 'cause I want to
translucent reason that you probably won't see through

I confess I've been thinking of you
a lot more than I would like to
but I can't help it
God I wish you knew

Sanibel Friend

I don't know just what you need
whatever it is, it's what I want to be
in a hammock in a tree

no obligations
to anyone but ourselves
ain't got the patience
to wait for me to come down
with complications
taken from whatever we were doing yesterday

four leaf clovers
line the pages of your book
it makes me take another look
hourless contemplation
it still does not compute

The Great Big Stomp



Road tripping through the 1970s
welcome to Sparta, Tennessee
we've no clue
what catalyst sparked this time anomaly
we've come through
and hour ahead of where we thought we'd be

we move like gravity is just a suggestion
but going uphill it's multiplied which leads to the question
what brought us here? Do we belong?
What happens next? Intuition's gone

I'm writing a line about a possum
it's not stupid
it does what it wants because it's awesome
so fuck cupid
I cannot control the way I feel right now
my mind's putrid
ambivalent grace attained someway somehow

we love conceptual drift in conversational rhythm
bleed all distorted distress down the drain
three two one and you're out, an intellectual schism
free fall from miles above


Pulse drifting
spiraled notebooks
thoughts and implications

spinal texts
thorough regurgitation

I'm telling you something softly
so you better listen with your heart
I'm telling you something softly
so you better listen with your eyes to the sky

pace quickening
scrambled papers
eggs and capers

skin thickening
calloused well
impervious shell
from this terrestrial hell

Last Ditch Efforts of the Cerebellum

And I've spent
almost all I had
on this game of being lost
I repent
now I'm wasted and mad
all I've got is this cerebral exhaust
is it love or just desire?
Sick of feeling uninspired
habitual inoculation
blood abated
(good vibration)

I don't scare easily
manifest misconduct
instinctual thrashing
get out of my way, I'll get there

And I've spent
all this time away
swatting thoughts like flies I wasn't sure were even there
because you sent
your feigned enthusiasm my way
do I care? Do I care? I can't quite tell if I care
bold faced lies italicized
exclamations underlined
second hand inebriation
wanting just to change (the station)

4-20-20 Hindsight

New days smell reminiscent of before
times of dismay drenched in smiles of mimes
scarlet tastes of faulty faces wither given the necessary time
fragile mainframe just past the door
balancing everything sometimes will break a string
numbers don't count they just come back for more
faces adored don't cease to get bored

The Return of Pericles

Most people are easy to read
but not you
you boast you've come so far
stately indeed
we've come to

another day set to start
a brand new age from the heart
one three five seven nine eleven
all of the time
to stay
I must say

your energy conveys something nice
a narrow scope just won't suffice
I don't quite get it yet
but I can't let it go
'cause I know there's something great that I've yet to know

already love you but I need to know more
love all that's interesting
this life I adore
never know what it brings
but it's never a bore
sometimes it stings
but it won't leave you sore

Fare Thee Well

Impending judgment clouds the forecast of the day
and if you still don't get it
I don't know what to say
could it be a frequency
rising from the ground
resurrect and reconnect
the piece/peace we never found

I can't stay here too much longer
I've got someplace else to be
final choice is close!
Or did it pass unnoticed by our sleeping senses?

I want you to know you
better than you know yourself now
I want you to see what I see
because between you and me
the truth exceeds everything
I thought could be

what happened to your imagination?
Why don't you paint yourself a brand new scene?
There's many levels in this creation
you don't have to stay in between

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A sleep-deprived bus ride (1/31/2011)

Part 1

I know you were aware of this
I know you understood
conquered subconscious concedes to good
I saw a light in the park and a sight in the dark
a slight spark of contrite bark
the skin of the city swells
like 8 and 1/2 bells
nomenclature naps while a hunting temper traps
nongeographic maps tinker with a tightly troubled tapestry
trapping trees trinightly
fresh hearts feel heat
frozen fingers newly numbed & truly crumbed
whatever needs the nightly now proceeds
a promise of speed and an arrogant deed
predestined by greed and a lack of weed
the culture needs some currency to be invested
but the vulture feeds no urgency to the tested
while the mulcher breeds emergency like the rest did
the troubadours of the turnpike transpose tremendous transgressions
diaper rash dinosaurs dash into devastating digression
but the recently revived are decently contrived
through reeling regression

Part 2

do you want to know what's keeping you from your dreams?
do you understand how often that voice inside me screams?
this isn't something new it's what you always knew was true
how was He when He was who?

the dead stare
and the living don't care

incubated ideogragphs inserted intraveneously
nocturnal numerology
new knowledge and apology
astronomic aim
mars and venusly fame
no need for blame
naked as I came
to feed the new game

not news
opposing blues
a carefully constructed clue
who is waiting for who?

Part 3 (Baltimore)

this place isn't charming
its rather quite alarming
the iron of the diamond once stood proud
and horses used to cry aloud
Troy fell into a poisoned well
but no one could tell until they could smell
a stench reminiscent of the trench
rats in the air and under the bench
foul balls & growled calls
semantic stalls & wasted waterfalls
the line was drawn to divide
the time is dawn to decide
whats mine will be wrong out of stride
keep the rest
forget your test
I don't want your best unless it takes me west
the clutch power players saved the head of the ram
long before delirium swam
a martian mechanism malevolently mistreated
manufactured meandering madness

Part 4

pulse drifting
spiraled notebooks
spinal texts
thorough regurgitations
pace quickening
scrambled papers
eggs and capers
statutory rapers
skin thickening
calloused well
impervious shell
terrestrial hell
sky rising
the truth decoded
when light unloaded
and dark exploded

All Quiet on the Eastern Seaboard (July 2009 or thereabouts)

floating on a rock in a network of gassy masses
wandering through a suburban wonderland
trying to get myself unstuck out of molasses
pondering what makes our very culture stand
basic development throughout the ages
snowball effect -> fast forward through time
a matrix that thrives on minimum wages
finding a way to diminish the grime
part-time anti-crime slowing the slime

a metaphysical wall
constructed in the confines of my cranium
refuses to fall
making me as stable as uranium 239
but i still feel fine
i'm reminded that i am not yet at the end of my line
and i grow and i glow and i flow but i know
that no matter where i go
nothing will truly be mine

every second i'm alive i strive to fuckin' thrive
with the exception of when second guessing gets in my eyes
but even when everything in me just wants to cry
i still won't compromise
because i'm never going to run out of trys